gun isn't loaded Tries to shoot you

gun isn't loaded Tries to shoot you  SAP NO MORE

"phone" starts shooting bullets pretend to be on phone

What now? Sound has just banged your computer

What now? Sound has just banged your computer  SAP NO MORE

This time i really meant it Said "goodbye" instead of "thank you"

This time i really meant it Said

FUCK YOU! Was told that I apoligise too much

FUCK YOU! Was told that I apoligise too much  SAP NO MORE

cause devestation all day like a t-rex forgot deodorant

cause devestation all day like a t-rex forgot deodorant  SAP NO MORE

it was always Fumbles. It's Fumbles.

it was always Fumbles. It's Fumbles.  SAP NO MORE

Mi ta Tile Mata!!. Esun cu hode cumi missie beel

Mi  ta Tile Mata!!. Esun   cu  hode  cumi  missie  beel  SAP NO MORE

or, we can go around the room and give everyone a chance to beg me not to murder them "let's go around the room and have everyone say something about themselves"

or, we can go around the room and give everyone a chance to beg me not to murder them

raid all food, leave stay at friends house

raid all food, leave stay at friends house  SAP NO MORE
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