Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl I heard it's your 21st birthday and you're having a party. Can I be your designated driver?

Hey Girl I heard it's your 21st birthday and you're having a party. Can I be your designated driver?  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl, I don't need cereal... cuz you're part of my complete brekfast

Hey Girl, I don't need cereal... cuz you're part of my complete brekfast  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey girl, Good luck on your test tomorrow

Hey girl,

Good luck on your test tomorrow   Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl, You smoked me on the W.O.D. today, and I think it's freakin' awesome.

Hey Girl, You smoked me on the W.O.D. today, and I think it's freakin' awesome.   Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl, Bonne journee de la femme

Hey Girl,  Bonne journee de la femme  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Sophie Go study for statistics I'll be waiting for you when you're done

Hey Sophie Go study 
for statistics  I'll be waiting for you
when you're done  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Maya I miss you

Hey Maya I miss you  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl You fight cancer? That's sexy.

Hey Girl You fight cancer?  That's sexy.   Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl Pinterest is more fun than homework anyway. After let's cuddle and watch New Girl.

Hey Girl
 Pinterest is more fun than homework anyway. After let's cuddle and watch New Girl.  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl, It's ok You did laundry

Girl, It's ok You did laundry  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl
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