Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl Good luck on your auditions

Hey Girl  Good luck on your auditions  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Lauren, Good luck on your finals I believe in you

Hey Lauren, Good luck on your finals I believe in you   Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl You go do your awesome Thirtyone Party & earn us that free trip to the Dominican Rebublic I'll be home taking care of the house and snuggling your pugs.

Hey Girl You go do your awesome Thirtyone Party & earn us that free trip to the Dominican Rebublic I'll be home taking care of the house and snuggling your pugs.   Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl, Congratulations on your new Diversity Leadership job. I'm definitely not allergic to diversity. So let's snuggle and celebrate us some diversity.

Girl, Congratulations on your new Diversity Leadership job. I'm definitely not allergic to diversity.  So let's snuggle and celebrate us some diversity.  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl Go study for exams Caption 4 goes here

Hey Girl Go study 
for exams  Caption 4 goes here  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl I believe in unicorns. Do you?

Hey Girl I believe in unicorns. Do you?  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

hey why don't you dress up this friday. the theme is anything that includes glitter.

hey why don't you dress up this friday. the theme is anything that includes glitter.  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl I heard you took a geography test I like geography too. Can I explore you like a National Geographic journalist?

Hey Girl I heard you took a geography test I like geography too. Can I explore you like a National Geographic journalist?  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey girl, Why don't you and I cuddle on the couch and read a book together?

Hey girl, Why don't you and I cuddle on the couch and read a book together?  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl

Hey Girl You need to work out more...You're too fat for me

Hey Girl  You need to work out more...You're too fat for me  Ryan Gosling Hey Girl
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