Ron Swanson

I'm Ron Fucking Swanson

I'm Ron Fucking Swanson  Ron Swanson

I'd rather work for Chuck E Cheese

I'd rather work for Chuck E Cheese  Ron Swanson

I would like to not get involved in these matters Or any matters of any nature

I would like to not get involved in these matters

 Or any matters of any nature  Ron Swanson

If you have any problems while I'm gone Fix them yourself, you're adults that's what adults do

If you have any problems while I'm gone
 Fix them yourself, you're adults that's what adults do  Ron Swanson

poise. sting like a bee. do not float like a butterfly, that is ridiculous.

poise. sting like a bee.

 do not float like a butterfly, that is ridiculous.  Ron Swanson

Cat, dog, horse, I don't care If it bleeds when it dies I know I'll enjoy eating it

Cat, dog, horse, I don't care If it bleeds when it dies I know I'll enjoy eating it  Ron Swanson

What religion am I? Well, I'm a practicing none of your **** business.

What religion am I?

 Well, I'm a practicing none of your **** business.  Ron Swanson

Congratulations Now shut the hell up

 Now shut the hell up  Ron Swanson

I love you more than bacon but also i love bacon

I love you more than bacon

 but also i love bacon  Ron Swanson

Talking promotes unnecessary mustache friction.

 Talking promotes unnecessary mustache friction.  Ron Swanson
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