Ron Swanson

Busy? Impossible. I work for the government

Busy? Impossible. I work for the government  Ron Swanson

That woman Really knows her way around a penis

That woman Really knows her way around a penis  Ron Swanson

You had me at "meat tornado" Happy Birthday!

You had me at

Its like doing peyote and sneezing slowly for 6 hours

Its like doing peyote
 and sneezing slowly for 6 hours  Ron Swanson

Sexual History? Epic and Private

Sexual History? Epic and Private  Ron Swanson

Every two weeks I sand down my toenails Theyre too strong for clippers

Every two weeks I sand down my toenails

 Theyre too strong for clippers  Ron Swanson

“My fellow Americans, it is with great sadness that I report to you now that the National Pig Association in the UK said this week ‘A world shortage of bacon next year is now unavoidable.’ The USDA is forecasting the amount of pigs slaug

“My fellow Americans, it is with great sadness that I report to you now that the National Pig Association in the UK said this week ‘A world shortage of bacon next year is now unavoidable.’ The USDA is forecasting the amount of pigs slaug  Ron Swanson

Government is inefficient and should be dissolved

Government is inefficient

 and should be dissolved  Ron Swanson

Once a year, every branch of this government meets in a room and announces what they intend to waste taxpayer money on. For a libertarian such as myself, it's philosophically horrifying. They also really cheap out on the snacks. Hydrax cookies? Did you kn

Once a year, every branch of this government meets in a room and announces what they intend to waste taxpayer money on. For a libertarian such as myself, it's philosophically horrifying. They also really cheap out on the snacks. Hydrax cookies? Did you kn  Ron Swanson

My idea of a perfect government is one guy who sits in a small room at a desk, and the only thing he's allowed to decide is who to nuke.

My idea of a perfect government is one guy who sits in a small room at a desk, and the only thing he's allowed to decide is who to nuke.    Ron Swanson
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