Rick Santorum

wants to ban ass to mouth talks exclusively out of his ass

wants to ban ass to mouth talks exclusively out of his ass  Rick Santorum

Global warming is not true Believes in the coming apocalypse

 Global warming is not true Believes in the coming apocalypse  Rick Santorum

stop patronism... izationing me.

stop patronism... izationing me.  Rick Santorum

Political platform based on bigotry Still gets votes

Political platform based on bigotry Still gets votes  Rick Santorum

Runs write in campaign for student body President gets called out by jp

Runs write in campaign for student body President gets called out by jp  Rick Santorum

Believes in small government wants the government to deny you blow jobs

Believes in small government wants the government to deny you blow jobs  Rick Santorum

Loses cell phone. Blames Bill Clinton.

Loses cell phone. Blames Bill Clinton.  Rick Santorum

Running for President Doesn't feel the need to observe the constitution's stance on separation of church and state.

Running for President Doesn't feel the need to observe the constitution's stance on separation of church and state.  Rick Santorum

Is Pro-Life Aborts Campaign

Is Pro-Life Aborts Campaign  Rick Santorum

Studied law, where everything is based on logic and reason on sundays goes to drink blood of a 2000 year old god

Studied law, where everything is based on logic and reason on sundays goes to drink blood of a 2000 year old god  Rick Santorum
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