Rick Santorum

is pro-life eats babies

is pro-life eats babies  Rick Santorum

Wants to ban anal sex Is a byproduct of it

Wants to ban anal sex Is a byproduct of it  Rick Santorum

Crazy propositions dealing with sex is a fucknut

Crazy propositions dealing with sex is a fucknut  Rick Santorum

He is The joke

He is The joke  Rick Santorum

I am Rick Santorum And literally the entire internet, hates me

I am Rick Santorum And literally the entire internet, hates me  Rick Santorum

Republican? Must have a retarded child.

Republican? Must have a retarded child.  Rick Santorum


 dies  Rick Santorum

I'm Rick Santorum And I'm A Mormon

I'm Rick Santorum And I'm A Mormon  Rick Santorum

Wants to be President And all women barefoot and pregnant.

Wants to be President And all women barefoot and pregnant.  Rick Santorum

Wants to make Blowjobs Illegal. Is a Cocksucker.

Wants to make Blowjobs Illegal. Is a Cocksucker.  Rick Santorum
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