Rick Grimes Walking Dead


UH OH WE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE   Rick Grimes Walking Dead

spends all night at the bar only orders head shots

spends all night at the bar only orders head shots  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

Spends half a season looking for sophia andrea missing for twenty minutes. we have to move on

Spends half a season looking for sophia andrea missing for twenty minutes. we have to move on  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

This is no longer a democracy It's a Ricktatorship

This is no longer a democracy It's a Ricktatorship  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

RICK Allmost Kills Daryl's brother and lives

RICK Allmost Kills Daryl's brother and lives  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

Listen i know you're like 50 feet away and winds are insane But i'll just turn around without looking and blow your brains out.

Listen i know you're like 50 feet away and winds are insane But i'll just turn around without looking and blow your brains out.  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

Finds out wife slept with best friend "Ill accept that"

Finds out wife slept with best friend

Michigan is no longer a democracy This is a Rick-tatorship

 is no longer a democracy This is a Rick-tatorship  Rick Grimes Walking Dead

High Budget Zombie TV SHOW Nothing ever happens

High Budget Zombie TV SHOW Nothing ever happens   Rick Grimes Walking Dead

Rick Grimes Gets his arm cut off

Rick Grimes Gets his arm cut off  Rick Grimes Walking Dead
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