Repressed Suburban Father

take daughter to dance... practice crip walking in the parking lot

take daughter to dance... practice crip walking in the parking lot  Repressed Suburban Father

Full MOON turns into insanity wolf

Full MOON turns into insanity wolf  Repressed Suburban Father

Wife out drinking. If I jerk off now - Will I be able to get it up later if she wants drunk sex?

Wife out drinking. If I jerk off now - Will I be able to get it up later if she wants drunk sex?  Repressed Suburban Father

needs change for parking meter searches kids bookbag for change

needs change for parking meter searches kids bookbag for change  Repressed Suburban Father

Kisses wife goodnight sneaks downstairs to play COD

Kisses wife goodnight sneaks downstairs to play COD  Repressed Suburban Father

Away from the family on a business trip Masturbate, smoke a pack of cigarettes, masturbate, eat two dinners, masturbate, masturbate, stay up watching The Daily Show, masturbate.

Away from the family on a business trip Masturbate, smoke a pack of cigarettes, masturbate, eat two dinners, masturbate, masturbate, stay up watching The Daily Show, masturbate.  Repressed Suburban Father

Wants you to remain a virgin until marriage Snuck into Mom's bedroom when they were sixteen

Wants you to remain a virgin until marriage Snuck into Mom's bedroom when they were sixteen  Repressed Suburban Father

Wife might wake up! Fap quietly!!!

Wife might wake up! Fap quietly!!!  Repressed Suburban Father

Lectures kids about dangers of alcohol Does blow off babysitter's titties

Lectures kids about dangers of alcohol Does blow off babysitter's titties  Repressed Suburban Father

Wife at the bar with friends; kids at grandpa's. Masturbate before eating pizza or after?

Wife at the bar with friends; kids at grandpa's.  Masturbate before eating pizza or after?  Repressed Suburban Father
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