Relatable Romney

There's no elevator?

 There's no elevator?  Relatable Romney

I understand the recession i had to buy the smaller yacht

I understand the recession i had to buy the smaller yacht  Relatable Romney

i like coal I give it to my staff for christmas

i like coal I give it to my staff for christmas  Relatable Romney

I'm a kid of Detroit my dad ran a car company.

I'm a kid of Detroit my dad ran a car company.  Relatable Romney

I understand how hard Americans have it these days you whiny bitches complain to me on every campaign stop

I understand how hard Americans have it these days you whiny bitches complain to me on every campaign stop  Relatable Romney

I know how hard it is to get link karma my hired staff can't get my reddit account past 500 upvotes

I know how hard it is to get link karma my hired staff can't get my reddit account past 500 upvotes  Relatable Romney

You're never too rich to enjoy a free turkey dog

You're never too rich to enjoy a free turkey dog  Relatable Romney

I kNOW WHaT It'S LIke TO bE AN IMMiGrANt. I'M An iMmIGRanT in ThE CaYMAn ISLanDs.

I kNOW WHaT It'S LIke TO bE AN IMMiGrANt.  I'M An iMmIGRanT in ThE CaYMAn ISLanDs.  Relatable Romney

I know how hard it can be to get a job these days my wife is never in the mood any more.

I know how hard it can be to get a job these days my wife is never in the mood any more.  Relatable Romney

The #1 American Value Is Faith in God An Alien God, Who Lives Near the star Kolob

The #1 American Value Is Faith in God An Alien God, Who Lives Near the star Kolob  Relatable Romney
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