Regretful Toddler

I can't beleive I actually thought he had candy

I can't beleive I actually thought he had candy  Regretful Toddler

Did I really thank chris bray for the sex

Did I really thank chris bray for the sex  Regretful Toddler

Did I really just go full toddler on that guy?! my mommy said never to go full toddler!

Did I really just go full toddler on that guy?! my mommy said never to go full toddler!  Regretful Toddler

i can't believe i visited Vancouver During the hockey riots

i can't believe i visited Vancouver During the hockey riots  Regretful Toddler

why did I ask that girl if i could jack her in the box?

why did I ask that girl if i could jack her in the box?  Regretful Toddler

i can't believe he found another coin in my ear

i can't believe he found another coin in my ear  Regretful Toddler

I went up high But when I went down low, I was too slow.

I went up high But when I went down low, I was too slow.  Regretful Toddler

Come on, dude You know Barbie's a girl. No need to confirm by taking all her clothes off.

Come on, dude You know Barbie's a girl. No need to confirm by taking all her clothes off.  Regretful Toddler

oh why did i eat my ice cream so fast

oh why did i  eat my ice cream so fast  Regretful Toddler

I should have known that Floating banana Was actually fishing pedophiles

I should have known that Floating banana Was actually fishing pedophiles  Regretful Toddler
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