Redneck Randal

video games? naked twister from my honeymoon

video games? naked twister from my honeymoon  Redneck Randal

so i stood up and told that teachin' lady the only 3 letters I need to know are U, S, and A

so i stood up and told that teachin' lady the only 3 letters I need to know are U, S, and A  Redneck Randal

I want to be the best at turning left

I want to be the best at turning left  Redneck Randal

Georgia goes 10-4 Fire Richt!

Georgia goes 10-4 Fire Richt!  Redneck Randal

just give me a case of Bud, a pack of smokes,.. a bag of ice, and two left handed ones rolled up

just give me a case of Bud, a pack of smokes,.. a bag of ice, and two left handed ones rolled up  Redneck Randal

so i stood up and told that teachin' lady the only 3 letters I need to know are A, P, and O.

so i stood up and told that teachin' lady the only 3 letters I need to know are A, P, and O.  Redneck Randal

Responsible for cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year Head to WalMart, buy a dozen TV Dinners.

Responsible for cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year Head to WalMart, buy a dozen TV Dinners.  Redneck Randal

Teacher lady said "the sun is a star" Bitch b stupid, my truck is smarter then her

Teacher lady said

University of Texas a&m

University of Texas a&m  Redneck Randal

Asks a girl out Mom zoned

Asks a girl out Mom zoned  Redneck Randal
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