Rationalization Hamster

I respect subservient men who are ok with a woman taking charge What the hell is the friend zone, you perv?

I respect subservient men who are ok with a woman taking charge What the hell is the friend zone, you perv?   Rationalization Hamster

alpha cum dumpster he's gonna marry me

alpha cum dumpster he's gonna marry me   Rationalization Hamster

Insists that not all feminists are like that supports Hilary Clinton who thinks that men aren't the primary victims of war

Insists that not all feminists are like that supports Hilary Clinton who thinks that men aren't the primary victims of war   Rationalization Hamster

argues that testosterone is the cause of violence and aggression, the solution therefore, is to castrate all men gets angry when MRA's point out that all of feminism is based on misandry

argues that testosterone is the cause of violence and aggression, the solution therefore, is to castrate all men gets angry when MRA's point out that all of feminism is based on misandry    Rationalization Hamster

Women* should run the world because they're better than men in every way *Excludes sarah palin, michelle bachman, michelle malkin, anne coulter, Kay Bailey Hutchison, or any of those other conservative bimbos

Women* should run the world because they're better than men in every way *Excludes sarah palin, michelle bachman, michelle malkin, anne coulter, Kay Bailey Hutchison, or any of those other conservative bimbos   Rationalization Hamster

claims to seek an end to oversexualization of women insults MRAs by implying that they are virgins

claims to seek an end to oversexualization of women insults MRAs by implying that they are virgins   Rationalization Hamster

claims to base decisions and opinions based on undeniable facts opposes the idea that evolution could possibly have had any impact on the psychology of males or females

claims to base decisions and opinions based on undeniable facts opposes the idea that evolution could possibly have had any impact on the psychology of males or females   Rationalization Hamster

insists that feminists be treated like individuals with divergent opinions and arguments insists that men should be treated as a monolithic privileged oppressor class

insists that feminists be treated like individuals with divergent opinions and arguments insists that men should be treated as a monolithic privileged oppressor class   Rationalization Hamster

opposes female genital mutilation in the third world Prefers circumcised men

opposes female genital mutilation in the third world Prefers circumcised men    Rationalization Hamster

demands that men stop objectifying attractive women publicly comments that she'd like to sleep with David Beckham because he's a sexy looking man

demands that men stop objectifying attractive  women publicly comments that she'd like to sleep with David Beckham because he's a sexy looking man    Rationalization Hamster
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