Rationalization Hamster

stop hamstertime

stop hamstertime   Rationalization Hamster

Demands equal rights... ...ask him out? No! Approaching is the man's duty!

Demands equal rights... ...ask him out? No! Approaching is the man's duty!    Rationalization Hamster

the ballerina is a stamen of privilege

the ballerina is a stamen of privilege   Rationalization Hamster


DAVID FUTRELLE IS A FAT FUCK   Rationalization Hamster

MRAs think all women are like the ones they see on "Real Housewives of..."

MRAs think all women are like the ones they see on

The Men's Rights Movement Not all of us are rapists

The Men's Rights Movement Not all of us are rapists   Rationalization Hamster

When I was a boy, women adored and protected me. If they refuse now that I'm an adult, that's misandry.

When I was a boy, women adored and protected me. If they refuse now that I'm an adult, that's misandry.    Rationalization Hamster

Says ey's not a rape apologist Claims women are raped because they don't use common sense

Says ey's not a rape apologist Claims women are raped because they don't use common sense   Rationalization Hamster

The False Rape Society isn't pro-rape ...it just doesn't believe rape exists

The False Rape Society isn't pro-rape ...it just doesn't believe rape exists   Rationalization Hamster

Claims rape is something that men can't help but do Accuses feminists of saying that all men are rapists

Claims rape is something that men can't help but do Accuses feminists of saying that all men are rapists   Rationalization Hamster
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