Rationalization Hamster

Angry at women who use shaming language. Those sluts.

Angry at women who use shaming language. Those sluts.   Rationalization Hamster

Why do females use liquor as an excuse to be a hoe? Because using mutant piranhas as an excuse is weird.

Why do females use liquor as an excuse to be a hoe? Because using mutant piranhas as an excuse is weird.    Rationalization Hamster

confident guys who are nice are still alphas timid guys who are assholes are betas (or worse), and that is the only reason women reject them

confident guys who are nice are still alphas timid guys who are assholes are betas (or worse), and that is the only reason women reject them    Rationalization Hamster

you oppress men by refusing to believe in anti-male oppression or something

you oppress men by refusing to believe in anti-male oppression or something   Rationalization Hamster

if you post cat pictures it's not a real argument

if you post cat pictures it's not a real argument   Rationalization Hamster

"I do not think child rape is okay... because it's not fair to pedophiles." Tom Martin

some women have flaws this proves feminism is wrong

some women have flaws this proves feminism is wrong  Rationalization Hamster

mocking misogyny on the internet indirectly enabled the Holocaust, as well as the Dark Ages, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and virtually every other horror known to humankind.

mocking misogyny on the internet indirectly enabled the Holocaust, as well as the Dark Ages, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and virtually every other horror known to humankind.   Rationalization Hamster

Thinks that women are jealous of cats, dolls, and bunnies, because they're just so sexy Wonders why women keep running away screaming

Thinks that women are jealous of cats, dolls, and bunnies, because they're just so sexy Wonders why women keep running away screaming   Rationalization Hamster

everyone i disagree with has exactly the same set of opinions and yet they also seem to have conflicting views. this confuses me.

everyone i disagree with has exactly the same set of opinions and yet they also seem to have conflicting views.
this confuses me.   Rationalization Hamster
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