Rationalization Hamster

sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon freakin' osbourne

sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon osbourne sharon freakin' osbourne    Rationalization Hamster

Accuses feminists of not caring about "Real" problems worries about a made up sperm jacking crisis on the internet

Accuses feminists of not caring about

i am a proud member of the Women’s radical feminist men hating Heart association of a women-only America

i am a proud member of the Women’s radical feminist men hating Heart association of a women-only America   Rationalization Hamster

i'm not homophobic you lesbos

i'm not homophobic you lesbos   Rationalization Hamster

Transphobia happens cause of misandry!!!11! (misgenders FAAB trans person a half dozen times in a single post)

Transphobia happens cause of misandry!!!11!  (misgenders FAAB trans person a half dozen times in a single post)   Rationalization Hamster

YESTERDAY A WOMAN SPAT IN MY FACE Actually, she didn't smile at me in the elevator. It's the same thing.

YESTERDAY A WOMAN SPAT IN MY FACE Actually, she didn't smile at me in the elevator. It's the same thing.   Rationalization Hamster

How dare you suggest I’m a misogynist! Have you seen my latest piece, by the way? I call it, "Women are Literally Demons."

How dare you suggest I’m a misogynist! Have you seen my latest piece, by the way? I call it,

I don't hate women I just dismiss everything they say

I don't hate women I just dismiss everything they say   Rationalization Hamster

feminism destroys society... ...because Gloria Steinem and simone de beauvoir said that destroying society was the goal of feminism

feminism destroys society...  ...because Gloria Steinem and simone de beauvoir said that destroying society was the goal of feminism   Rationalization Hamster

"Prostitutes are boring." Tom Martin

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