Rationalization Hamster

i once caught a fish thiiiiis big!

i once caught a fish thiiiiis big!   Rationalization Hamster

Abusive or neglectful fathers deserve equal custody after divorce!

Abusive or neglectful fathers deserve equal custody after divorce!    Rationalization Hamster

would you give a drunk the keys to your car? then why give women the right to control their own lives?

would you give a drunk the keys to your car? then why give women the right to control their own lives?   Rationalization Hamster

"There is no Nobel Prize for services to prostitution for a reason." Tom Martin

Didja hear the one about the smart women? Me neither. Ada Lovelace, Madame Curie, Rosalyn Yallow were all men in drag.

Didja hear the one about the smart women? Me neither.
Ada Lovelace, Madame Curie, Rosalyn Yallow were all men in drag.   Rationalization Hamster

sex and the city was not a documentary

sex and the city was not a documentary  Rationalization Hamster

rationalization hamster isn't actually a thing that exists

rationalization hamster isn't actually a thing that exists  Rationalization Hamster

complains about 'wage gap' MAjors in Sociology Caption 4 goes here

complains about 'wage gap' MAjors in Sociology  Caption 4 goes here  Rationalization Hamster

I won The oppression Olympics!

I won The oppression Olympics!   Rationalization Hamster

Well what did you expect, you were alone with the guy at 3am what, I can't give you a ride home? Don't you trust me?

Well what did you expect, you were alone with the guy at 3am what, I can't give you a ride home? Don't you trust me?   Rationalization Hamster
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