Rationalization Hamster

Women's products are all about vanity, while men's are about utility, Like looking cool so women will fuck us.

Women's products are all about vanity, while men's are about utility, Like looking cool so women will fuck us.  Rationalization Hamster

Men do all the hard factory work while women wear silky tops in offices Women working in factories?! Fucking quotas taking away good jobs from good men.

Men do all the hard factory work while women wear silky tops in offices Women working in factories?! Fucking quotas taking away good jobs from good men.   Rationalization Hamster

the mrm: scanning every single youtube video for "subtle misandry" so you don't have to

the mrm: scanning every single youtube video for

games like Mario Kart depict men as bad and violent drivers

games like Mario Kart  depict men as bad and violent drivers   Rationalization Hamster

Donkey Kong wears a tie training men to get used to their life as office workers making money for spoiled wives

Donkey Kong wears a tie training men to get used to their life as office workers making money for spoiled wives   Rationalization Hamster

I can think of a million generally misogynistic memes, but no misandrous ones We must be the less bitter sex

I can think of a million generally misogynistic memes, but no misandrous ones We must be the less bitter sex   Rationalization Hamster

Women don't get jobs because they're lazy men don't get jobs because affirmative action

Women don't get jobs because they're lazy men don't get jobs because affirmative action   Rationalization Hamster

spread evo-psych theories that suggest men can't be raped blame feminism

spread evo-psych theories that suggest men can't be raped blame feminism   Rationalization Hamster

feminists: patriarchal norms are bad for men and women mras: men are the only ones really suffering

feminists: patriarchal norms are bad for men and women mras: men are the only ones really suffering   Rationalization Hamster

Starcraft is about male disposability... & energy being disposability... & alien insects... & Russian women...

Starcraft is about male disposability...  & energy being disposability... & alien insects... & Russian women...   Rationalization Hamster
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