Rationalization Hamster

i put a third dot in your ellipses.. but i eated it..

i put a third dot in your ellipses.. but i eated it..   Rationalization Hamster

Western White Women need to be bred out of existence Acknowledging the privilege of straight, white, cis men is bigotry!

Western White Women need to be bred out of existence Acknowledging the privilege of straight, white, cis men is bigotry!   Rationalization Hamster

Varpole doesn't need to read Dworkin and Solanas to know how wrong they are. He doesn't even need to read what you say to know you agree with them. Who needs observation to know stuff? *PZ Myers quote here*

Varpole doesn't need to read Dworkin and Solanas to know how wrong they are. He doesn't even need to read what you say to know you agree with them.  Who needs observation to know stuff? *PZ Myers quote here*  Rationalization Hamster

women who pay attention to their looks are vain women who don't are hags

women who pay attention to their looks are vain women who don't are hags    Rationalization Hamster

There's no sexism in videogame culture. So stop bringing it up, you lesbo cunt.

There's no sexism in videogame culture. So stop bringing it up, you lesbo cunt.   Rationalization Hamster

what men want is a challenge

what men want is a challenge  Rationalization Hamster

insists that men's rights activists be treated like individuals with divergent opinions and arguments insists that feminists are all valerie solanas or andrea dworkin

insists that men's rights activists be treated like individuals with divergent opinions and arguments insists that feminists are all valerie solanas or andrea dworkin   Rationalization Hamster

Hey, Female Gamers: All men have are video games. Women have clubbing, shopping and sex. Can't men have ANYTHING at all?

Hey, Female Gamers: All men have are video games. Women have clubbing, shopping and sex. Can't men have ANYTHING at all?   Rationalization Hamster

the spots in Mario games where killing yourself can lead to a net gain of 1ups encourages male suicide

the spots in Mario games where killing yourself can lead to a net gain of 1ups  encourages male suicide   Rationalization Hamster

Fights for father's rights to have full custody when they want to, to abandon their child when they don't

Fights for father's rights to have full custody when they want to, to abandon their child when they don't   Rationalization Hamster
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