Rationalization Hamster

NIH gives women twice as much healthcare money as men... ...because the Patriarchy® oppresses women.

NIH gives women twice as much healthcare money as men... ...because the Patriarchy® oppresses women.    Rationalization Hamster

Believes we live in a patriarchy Where women can punch men at bars with impunity

Believes we live in a patriarchy Where women can punch men at bars with impunity   Rationalization Hamster

Caption 1 goes here Men are stupid and don't know how to type!

Caption 1 goes here Men are stupid and don't know how to type!   Rationalization Hamster

Men suck I just got 10 extra credit points for my gender studies class: Women on the Internet

Men suck I just got 10 extra credit points for my gender studies class: Women on the Internet  Rationalization Hamster

Systematically downvotes all the feminist messages on this meme. women: what a bunch of obsessive rationalizers!

Systematically downvotes all the feminist messages on this meme. women: what a bunch of obsessive rationalizers!   Rationalization Hamster

Even if you've kissed a lot of frogs A true prince will still want you!

Even if you've kissed a lot of frogs A true prince will still want you!   Rationalization Hamster

Forces her way into male spaces Wonders why they refer to her as "that annoying cunt"

Forces her way into male spaces Wonders why they refer to her as

Ableism? Cis? I laugh at your made up words. you betas, manginas, thuglovers, and alpha-cock carousel riding feminazis are hilarious.

Ableism? Cis? I laugh at your made up words. you betas, manginas, thuglovers, and alpha-cock carousel riding feminazis are hilarious.   Rationalization Hamster

The more reasonable your idea is The more ridiculous I will find it

The more reasonable your idea is The more ridiculous I will find it  Rationalization Hamster

Opposes institution with 7,000 year success rate MRAs want to dismantle all progress humans have made.

Opposes institution with 7,000 year success rate MRAs want to dismantle all progress humans have made.  Rationalization Hamster
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