Rationalization Hamster

demands equality in marriage... ...commands her husband to be the breadwinner

demands equality in marriage... ...commands her husband to be the breadwinner   Rationalization Hamster

accuses christians of practicing an oppressive irrational religion argues that a secret cabal of satanists are kidnapping, raping, and impregnating women for the purpose of human sacrifice

accuses christians of practicing an oppressive irrational religion argues that a secret cabal of satanists are kidnapping, raping, and impregnating women for the purpose of human sacrifice    Rationalization Hamster

Where are all the good* men? *6'2", charming, handsome, hilarious, wealthy, lawyers.

Where are all the good* men? *6'2

Says 'misandry' is a joke... ...wrote her term paper on Mary Daly's ecofeminism and eliminating men from the biosphere

Says 'misandry' is a joke... ...wrote her term paper on Mary Daly's ecofeminism and eliminating men from the biosphere   Rationalization Hamster

complains about "glass ceiling" Won't work saturdays

complains about

I care about his safety Who will tend to me if he's hurt?

I care about his safety Who will tend to me if he's hurt?   Rationalization Hamster

Opposes Female Genital Mutilation Thinks foreskins are gross

Opposes Female Genital Mutilation Thinks foreskins are gross   Rationalization Hamster

1960: men are majority of college grads because of Patriarchal sexism 2012: women are majority of college grads because men are stupid

1960: men are majority of college grads because of Patriarchal sexism 2012: women are majority of college grads because men are stupid   Rationalization Hamster

demands equal pay for equal work refuses to pay for a date

demands equal pay for equal work refuses to pay for a date   Rationalization Hamster

Feminism is about equality! "We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men..." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1890

Feminism is about equality!
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