Push it somewhere else Patrick

We should take all the westboro baptists and set them up on dates with the forever alone men

We should take all the westboro baptists and set them up on dates with the forever alone men  Push it somewhere else Patrick

why don't we take all the "hey look at my clever costume" pictures on reddit and put them back onto facebook

why don't we take all the

Let's take all the water flooding Florida and give it to Colorado

Let's take all the water flooding Florida and give it to Colorado  Push it somewhere else Patrick

End the drug war by making weed legal so thousands of people stop dying in mexico

End the drug war by making weed legal so thousands of people stop dying in mexico  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Lets take all our nuclear waste And put it in Greece

Lets take all our nuclear waste And put it in Greece  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Lets take all the oppressed women in the middle east And give them to the friend-zoned and forever alones

Lets take all the oppressed women in the middle east  And give them to the friend-zoned and forever alones  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Lets take all these Halloween costume pictures and put them in their own subreddit

Lets take all these Halloween costume pictures   and put them in their own subreddit  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Let's take all the Americans complaining about winter And bring them to Australia for summer

Let's take all the Americans complaining about winter And bring them to Australia for summer  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Let's take the facebook log out button and move it somewhere else

Let's take the facebook log out button and move it somewhere else  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Lets take all the memes from Facebook and put them on /r/calpoly where they belong

Lets take all the memes from Facebook and put them on /r/calpoly where they belong  Push it somewhere else Patrick
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