Professor Oak

I have three balls Choose one of them to take with you

I have three balls Choose one of them to take with you  Professor Oak

I have 3 pokemon here that no one is using Take just one

I have 3 pokemon here that no one is using Take just one  Professor Oak

don't worry you can survive underwater for hours on the back of tentacool

don't worry you can survive underwater for hours on the back of tentacool  Professor Oak

I come from kanto to teel you something Threee legendary birds are roaming aroun sinnoh!!

I come from kanto to teel you something Threee legendary birds are roaming aroun sinnoh!!   Professor Oak

10 year old kids? give them superpowered animals

10 year old kids? give them superpowered animals  Professor Oak

Tells you to pick between 3 commonly found pokemon None of them exist in the wild

Tells you to pick between 3 commonly found pokemon None of them exist in the wild  Professor Oak

How to be Oakward

How to be Oakward  Professor Oak

"Have this free pokemon" Gives grandson pokemon strong against yours

Gotta Catch Them All Gives you only 6 Poke Balls

Gotta Catch Them All Gives you only 6 Poke Balls  Professor Oak

Both down to 5 HP. Use quick attack! But it missed

Both down to 5 HP. Use quick attack! But it missed   Professor Oak
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