Professor Oak

Pokemon: A world where a 10 year old can carry around 6,000 pounds in anti gravity balls

Pokemon: A world where a 10 year old can carry around 6,000 pounds in anti gravity balls  Professor Oak

The babysitter knows exactly how many steps you take

The babysitter knows exactly how many steps you take  Professor Oak

I'm research pokemon for many long times can u help me? how to distinguish "Boy" and "Girl"? Caption 3 goes here

I'm research pokemon for many long times can u help me?
how to distinguish

I'm research pokemon for many long times can u help me? how to distinguish "Boy" and "Girl"?

I'm research pokemon for many long times can u help me?
how to distinguish

take a pokemon dont even ask where i found them

take a pokemon dont even ask where i found them  Professor Oak

The psychic type is weak against ghost attacks JK, they're actually immune

The psychic type is weak against ghost attacks JK, they're actually immune  Professor Oak

only has 3 pokemon and is never found outside lab came running in 10 seconds after you defeat elite four

only has 3 pokemon and is never found outside lab came running in 10 seconds after you defeat elite four  Professor Oak

it looks like a pokeball you obtained an ether!

it looks like a pokeball you obtained an ether!  Professor Oak

Oh, I remember now His name is douche

Oh, I remember now His name is douche  Professor Oak

First pokemon is pikachu spend 2 weeks trying to beat brock

First pokemon is pikachu spend 2 weeks trying to beat brock  Professor Oak
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