Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If you do something an asshole would do i immediately assume you're an asshole

If you do something an asshole would do i immediately assume you're an asshole  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If you put your child on a leash I assume you are a fucking terrible parent

If you put your child on a leash I assume you are a fucking terrible parent  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If you're good at math or sciences I assume you are a nerd

If you're good at math or sciences I assume you are a nerd  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I think fat people are lazy and undisciplined

I think fat people are lazy and undisciplined  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I find that children's media lacks substance

I find that children's media lacks substance  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I think people who say they are smart but unmotivated are stupid and lazy

I think people who say they are smart but unmotivated are stupid and lazy  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If you park poorly I assume you are a fucking idiot

If you park poorly I assume you are a fucking idiot  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I think that feminists Are just as bad as fox news.

I think that feminists Are just as bad as fox news.  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I would totally have sex with scumbag stacy

I would totally have sex with  scumbag stacy   Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If your post has "lol" in the title I automatically assume you're an idiot and downvote you

If your post has
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