Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I will loose all hope on Reddit If Samuel L Jackson doesn't choose the Navy Seal comment

I will loose all hope on Reddit If Samuel L Jackson doesn't choose the Navy Seal comment  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

R/Atheism are just as bad as crazy religious people I'm unsubbing from R/Atheism

R/Atheism are just as bad as crazy religious people I'm unsubbing from R/Atheism  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I believe that the holocaust was unethical

I believe that the holocaust was unethical  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

If you wear a fedora I automatically think you're a douchenozzle.

If you wear a fedora I automatically think you're a douchenozzle.  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I find atheists' sense of superiority just as annoying as some religious peoples' stupidity

I find atheists' sense of superiority just as annoying as some religious peoples' stupidity  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I think that people in r/atheism are just as bad as hardcore Christians

I think that people in r/atheism are just as bad as hardcore Christians  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I hate reddit and everyone on the website but im still on it everyday

I hate reddit and everyone on the website but im still on it everyday  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I think the governement should treat people of different races equally

I think the governement should treat  people of different races equally  Popular Opinion Polar Bear

I don't really care if a meme is used "correctly" As long as it's interesting, humorous, or entertaining in some way

I don't really care if a meme is used

fuck Confession Bear

fuck Confession Bear  Popular Opinion Polar Bear
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