Pokemon Logic

store bicycle in computer

store bicycle in computer  Pokemon Logic

Train for 18 hours Pokemon League Champion

Train for 18 hours Pokemon League Champion  Pokemon Logic

Was created to resemble a scarecrow weak against flying types

Was created to resemble a scarecrow weak against flying types  Pokemon Logic

Study's Pokemon for entire life. gives you empty pokedex and only has 3 Pokemon.

Study's Pokemon for entire life. gives you empty pokedex and only has 3 Pokemon.  Pokemon Logic

Beat up other people's pets and take their money? Yes, it's legal

Beat up other people's pets and take their money? Yes, it's legal  Pokemon Logic

Zan in Zangoose means "cut" Can't learn Cut, ever

Zan in Zangoose means

just woke up still has hat hair

just woke up still has hat hair  Pokemon Logic

Pidgeot has Fainted! pidgeot used fly! Caption 3 goes here

Pidgeot has Fainted! pidgeot used fly! Caption 3 goes here  Pokemon Logic

Catch all of the pokemon and become the champion then go stand on a mountain for the rest of your life

Catch all of the pokemon and become the champion then go stand on a mountain for the rest of your life  Pokemon Logic

World Renowned Pokemon Scientist Doesn't know if you're a boy or girl

World Renowned Pokemon Scientist Doesn't know if you're a boy or girl  Pokemon Logic
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