Pokemon Logic

SCIENTIFICALLY crafted pokemon medicine: +20 hp Regular bottle of water: +50 hp

SCIENTIFICALLY crafted pokemon medicine: +20 hp Regular bottle of water: +50 hp  Pokemon Logic

Wins, Enemy accepts defeat. Loses, Runs away quickly and blacks out

Wins, Enemy accepts defeat. Loses, Runs away quickly and blacks out  Pokemon Logic

Can't ride bike indoors "Flight of stairs? No problem"

Can't ride bike indoors

Rare, powereful legendary pokemon Delivered by postman

Rare, powereful legendary pokemon Delivered by postman  Pokemon Logic

pokemon falls asleep eats berry to wake up

pokemon falls asleep eats berry to wake up  Pokemon Logic

Your goal is to capture all of the Pokemon! Oh by the way, you might as well forget about that because some were only available if you downloaded them via wifi when the game first came out

Your goal is to capture all of the Pokemon! Oh by the way, you might as well forget about that because some were only available if you downloaded them via wifi when the game first came out  Pokemon Logic

punch a cactus super effecive

punch a cactus super effecive  Pokemon Logic

Your goal is to capture all of the Pokemon! Oh by the way, some of them can only be found in the wild on the Blue version of the game

Your goal is to capture all of the Pokemon! Oh by the way, some of them can only be found in the wild on the Blue version of the game  Pokemon Logic

Can't name rival dick dicks is fine

Can't name rival dick dicks is fine  Pokemon Logic

It is physically impossible to stop flight anywhere except a town

It is physically impossible to stop flight anywhere except a town  Pokemon Logic
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