Pissed old guy

BACK IN MY DAY We had no tv/net/magazine. Only real women.

BACK IN MY DAY We had no tv/net/magazine. Only real women.   Pissed old guy

Strong independent women make crappy sandwiches

Strong independent women make crappy sandwiches   Pissed old guy

Back in my day, Zander still sucked

Back in my day, Zander still sucked   Pissed old guy

Back in my day we didn't have none of them fancy whatchamacallit technology cell phones, computers.

Back in my day we didn't have none of them fancy whatchamacallit technology cell phones, computers.    Pissed old guy

I used to walk 3 miles to school in 6 inches of snow Let's see Snookie do that! Caption 4 goes here

I used to walk 3 miles to school in 6 inches of snow Let's see Snookie do that!  Caption 4 goes here  Pissed old guy

Fuck ye, Your telling the truth ya cunt! lol

Fuck ye, Your telling the truth ya cunt! lol  Pissed old guy

Back in my day, women wore bras and stayed in the kitchen.

Back in my day, women wore bras and stayed in the kitchen.   Pissed old guy

Just learned My daughter married a black guy

Just learned My daughter married a black guy  Pissed old guy

Back in my day, 'Fro-yo' was FROGURT

Back in my day, 'Fro-yo' was FROGURT   Pissed old guy

I love the Dodgers From Brooklyn When they were white

I love the Dodgers From Brooklyn When they were white  Pissed old guy
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