Pickup Line Scientist

Do you know what the square root of 8.9 is? < 3

Do you know what the square root of 8.9 is? < 3  Pickup Line Scientist

Now that we've had this memetic interaction Let's go have a genetic interaction.

Now that we've had this memetic interaction Let's go have a genetic interaction.  Pickup Line Scientist

you must be the square root of two 'cause i feel irrational around you

you must be the square root of two 'cause i feel irrational around you  Pickup Line Scientist

Worms need to keep moist. Want to make wormhole?

Worms need to keep moist. Want to make wormhole?  Pickup Line Scientist

let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves

let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves  Pickup Line Scientist

If my actual game was proportional to my confidence i would be this man

If my actual game was proportional to my confidence i would be this man  Pickup Line Scientist

Programar es como follar Nadie lo hace tan bien como dice

Programar es como follar Nadie lo hace tan bien como dice  Pickup Line Scientist

Hey, wanna come over and antiderivative of 2x from 10 to 13?

Hey, wanna come over and antiderivative of 2x from 10 to 13?  Pickup Line Scientist

Whadda ya say you give some of your gigabytes to my external harddrive?

Whadda ya say you give some of your gigabytes to my external harddrive?  Pickup Line Scientist

I consider myself to be an amateur anthropologist because i've been studying you all night

I consider myself to be an amateur anthropologist because i've been studying you all night  Pickup Line Scientist
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