Pickup-Line Panda

Have you ordered EW? Because I will "hit" you if you haven't

Have you ordered EW? Because I will

Did you fall from Heaven? Because we should fuck

Did you fall from Heaven? Because we should fuck  Pickup-Line Panda

How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to put my dick in your ass

How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to put my dick in your ass  Pickup-Line Panda

Do you come here Often? Because I cum here often

Do you come here
Often? Because I cum here often  Pickup-Line Panda

Don't worry I'm black where it counts

Don't worry I'm black where it counts  Pickup-Line Panda

You're so beautiful... that when you walked in, I shit myself.

You're so beautiful... that when you walked in, I shit myself.  Pickup-Line Panda

Did you work on a chicken farm? Because you sure know how to raise cocks

Did you work on a chicken farm? Because you sure know how to raise cocks  Pickup-Line Panda

Do you work at Subway? Cause every time I see you I get a footlong.

Do you work at Subway? Cause every time I see you I get a footlong.  Pickup-Line Panda

Nice shoes Wanna fuck?

Nice shoes Wanna fuck?  Pickup-Line Panda

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put F-U-C-K-U together

If I could rearrange
the alphabet, I would put
F-U-C-K-U together  Pickup-Line Panda
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