
What if my jokes are actually funny but everyone on reddit is just downvoting everything around their own posts?

What if my jokes are actually funny but everyone on reddit is just downvoting everything around their own posts?  Philosoraptor

When a Goth dies Do the mourners wear bright colours?

When a Goth dies Do the mourners wear bright colours?  Philosoraptor

If Davy Jones is now dead.... did he go to his own locker?

If Davy Jones is now dead.... did he go to his own locker?  Philosoraptor

If 7th Day Adventists come from the Millerites Wouldn't they call the end of the world "Miller Time?"

If 7th Day Adventists come from the Millerites Wouldn't they call the end of the world

If Mizzou sucks so bad, How did they get invited into the SEC?

If Mizzou sucks so bad, How did they get invited into the SEC?  Philosoraptor

if you give absolutely no fucks about something why would you remember it when asked, what you give no fucks about.

if you give absolutely no fucks about something why would you remember it when asked, what you give no fucks about.  Philosoraptor

Not sure if Used wrong meme Or wrong caption?

Not sure if Used wrong meme Or wrong caption?   Philosoraptor

What if everyone perceives colors differently but recognize them by the same name?

What if everyone perceives colors differently but recognize them by the same name?  Philosoraptor

What if rhinos Are just fat unicorns

What if rhinos  Are just fat unicorns  Philosoraptor

instead of giving food to 3rd world countries why not give birth control

instead of giving food to 3rd world countries why not give birth control  Philosoraptor
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