
is it possible to smell smoke without inhaling it?

is it possible to smell smoke without inhaling it?  Philosoraptor

If Intelligent Design is for people who don't "believe" in science Why should it be taught in science class?

If Intelligent Design is for people who don't

if you spin an asian do they become disorientated?

if you spin an asian do they become disorientated?  Philosoraptor

Why is it called taking a shit? and not leaving a shit?

Why is it called taking a shit? and not leaving a shit?  Philosoraptor

Why did Ms. Frizzle teach kids about science by using a magic school bus?

Why did Ms. Frizzle teach kids about science by using a magic school bus?  Philosoraptor

If dentists make their money from unhealthy teeth Why would i trust a product 4/5 of them recommend

If dentists make their money from unhealthy teeth Why would i trust a product 4/5 of them recommend  Philosoraptor

If a lighter is used to smoke pot does that make it a Highlighter?

If a lighter is used to smoke pot does that make it a Highlighter?  Philosoraptor

If god flooded the earth and noah saved the animals What happened to all the plants?

If god flooded the earth and noah saved the animals What happened to all the plants?  Philosoraptor

If hipsters held a convention how would anybody find out?

If hipsters held a convention how would anybody find out?  Philosoraptor

If people fear libertarianism because corporations would have too much power Why do corporations back the Republican and Democrat parties instead of the Libertarian Party?

If people fear libertarianism because corporations would have too much power Why do corporations back the Republican and Democrat parties instead of the Libertarian Party?  Philosoraptor
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