
If first cousins share a set of grandparents, and second cousins share a set of great grandparents Can I call my brother my "zeroth cousin"?

If first cousins share a set of grandparents, and second cousins share a set of great grandparents Can I call my brother my

If jesus had a fight with aquaman... Would Jesus walk all over him?

If jesus had a fight with aquaman... Would Jesus walk all over him?  Philosoraptor

If today is Friday, and tomorrow is saturday, what comes afterwards again?

If today is Friday, and tomorrow is saturday, what comes afterwards again?  Philosoraptor

Why work on my confidence and social skills When there are thousands of redditors who can validate not trying?

Why work on my confidence and social skills When there are thousands of redditors who can validate not trying?  Philosoraptor

If marriage is for one man and one woman, why did David have so many wives?

If marriage is for one man and one woman, why did David have so many wives?  Philosoraptor

If self posts don't earn karma does that make them selfless?

If self posts don't earn karma does that make them selfless?  Philosoraptor

If murder is a sin then why are wars faught in the name of God?

If murder is a sin then why are wars faught in the name of God?  Philosoraptor

if you were to kill a circus would you go for the juggler?

if you were to kill a circus would you go for the juggler?  Philosoraptor

why don't people just shut the fuck up and grow up?

why don't people just shut the fuck up and grow up?  Philosoraptor

If Mcdonald's uses 100% chicken now WTF were they feeding us before?

If Mcdonald's uses 100% chicken now WTF were they feeding us before?  Philosoraptor
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