
If all of Reddit is one person Would it still be a circlejerk?

If all of Reddit is one person Would it still be a circlejerk?  Philosoraptor

If you say evolution is a theory and only believe in micro and macro evolution, with micro evolution being the only one provable Then aren't you admitting that the theory of evolution is real?

If you say evolution is a theory and only believe in micro and macro evolution, with micro evolution being the only one provable Then aren't you admitting that the theory of evolution is real?  Philosoraptor

They say that there are no atheists in foxholes. I see that not as a condemnation of atheists, but of foxholes.

They say that there are no atheists in foxholes.  I see that not as a condemnation of atheists, but of foxholes.  Philosoraptor

If Original Sin originated from Adam and Eve, and Adam and Eve didn't exist How does Original Sin exist?

If Original Sin originated from Adam and Eve, and Adam and Eve didn't exist How does Original Sin exist?  Philosoraptor

If Jesus was about peace and love Then why are Christians damning me to HEll for being Atheist?

If Jesus was about 
peace and love Then why are Christians damning me to HEll for being Atheist?   Philosoraptor

daca marea majoritate a colegilor mei din facultate si de la munca sunt din provincie unde dispar cei nascuti in bucuresti?

daca marea majoritate a  colegilor mei din facultate si de la munca sunt din provincie unde dispar cei nascuti in bucuresti?  Philosoraptor

Does the fact that attract always fails on the same gender mean that there are no homosexual Pokemon?

Does the fact that attract always fails on the same gender mean that there are no homosexual Pokemon?  Philosoraptor

If you use cool things your friends do to karma whore Doesn't that make you a karma pimp?

If you use cool things your friends do to karma whore Doesn't that make you a karma pimp?  Philosoraptor

If Allison Stokke lives with Nathan Adrian Does Michelle Jenneke live with James Magnusson?

If Allison Stokke lives with Nathan Adrian Does Michelle Jenneke live with James Magnusson?  Philosoraptor

Why do Christians hate magic in books When their entire religion is based on magic?

Why do Christians hate magic in books When their entire religion is based on magic?  Philosoraptor
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