
If it's Homies over Hoes.. What if the homie is the hoe?

If it's Homies over Hoes.. What if the homie is the hoe?  Philosoraptor

If Harriet Tubman spent most of her time in the underground railroad... ... Was she the first hippie?

If Harriet Tubman spent most of her time in the underground railroad... ... Was she the first hippie?   Philosoraptor

Why do they call them Apartments... when they are so close together?

Why do they call them Apartments... when they are so close together?  Philosoraptor

If your kid grows up to browse reddit Does that mean it was heredditary?

If your kid grows up to browse reddit Does that mean it was heredditary?  Philosoraptor

If a woman are equal to men then how come men take nut shots to the groin and woman take nut shots to the face?

If a woman are equal to men then how come men take nut shots to the groin and woman take nut shots to the face?   Philosoraptor


If Peter Yang is afraid of snakes Would that mean hes afraid of Kobe Bryant?

If Peter Yang is afraid of snakes Would that mean hes afraid of Kobe Bryant?  Philosoraptor

So if the republicans want to save the rich more money... why do they force out a bad debt bill and make the U.S.'s credit drop?

So if the republicans want to save the rich more money... why do they force out a bad debt bill and make the U.S.'s credit drop?  Philosoraptor

if you're two-faced does that mean you're a four eyes?

if you're two-faced does that mean you're a four eyes?  Philosoraptor

If they neglect to tell us what server they play on Is it NA by default?

If they neglect to tell us what server they play on Is it NA by default?  Philosoraptor
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