
if charlie sheen does charlie sheen as a drug, doesn't that mean he's full of himself?

if charlie sheen does charlie sheen as a drug, doesn't that mean he's full of himself?  Philosoraptor

Do you wake up or open your eyes first?

Do you wake up or open your eyes first?  Philosoraptor

if a couple argues with another couple are the men still wrong?

if a couple argues with another couple are the men still wrong?  Philosoraptor

Quando vc morre, vc fica mais perto de Deus porque vc deixa de existir?

Quando vc morre, vc fica mais perto de Deus porque vc deixa de existir?  Philosoraptor

WTF is a wood chuck?

WTF is a wood chuck?  Philosoraptor

if the N-word is so offensive Why do negro people use it so much?

if the N-word is so offensive Why do negro people use it so much?  Philosoraptor

As the saying goes, "You are what you eat" So, do anorexic people actually exist?

As the saying goes,

If you fap when you're not in the mood, Is it considered self-rape?

If you fap when you're not in the mood, Is it considered self-rape?  Philosoraptor

If one has never been drunk Can they have a dream they were drunk

If one has never been drunk Can they have a dream they were drunk  Philosoraptor


AREX?   Philosoraptor
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