
if humans have belly buttons do othere mammals have belly buttons

if humans have belly buttons   do othere mammals have belly buttons  Philosoraptor

If You Teabag Someone Who's Allergic To Nuts Is It Attempted Murder?

If You Teabag Someone Who's Allergic To Nuts Is It Attempted Murder?  Philosoraptor

If the ladies want the toilet seat to stay clean and dry, then shouldn't the default position of the seat be up?

If the ladies want the toilet seat to stay clean and dry, then shouldn't the default position of the seat be up?  Philosoraptor

If haters gonna hate would raptors gonna rap?

If haters gonna hate would raptors gonna rap?  Philosoraptor

How do poems still rhyme when they are translated into different languages?

How do poems still rhyme when they are translated into different languages?  Philosoraptor

et si c'etait beauchamp qui s'est exclue elle-meme des negociations?

et si c'etait beauchamp qui s'est exclue elle-meme des negociations?  Philosoraptor

I just walked into the bathroom and opened the door. The door made a squeaky dolphin noise that sounds a lot like Tim Herr's laugh. If Tim Herr's laugh sounds like a door opening... ...does that mean that his laughter opens doors?

I just walked into the bathroom and opened the door. The door made a squeaky dolphin noise that sounds a lot like Tim Herr's laugh. If Tim Herr's laugh sounds like a door opening... ...does that mean that his laughter opens doors?   Philosoraptor

When the choir sings on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack what are they saying?

When the choir sings on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack what are they saying?  Philosoraptor

what if more money really does cause more problems just less significant problems?

what if more money really does cause more problems just less significant problems?  Philosoraptor

if shane killed otis does that mean we won't have any more elevators? wait for it.

if shane killed otis does that mean we won't have any more elevators? wait for it.  Philosoraptor
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