
if your not disappointed, are you appointed?

if your not disappointed, are you appointed?  Philosoraptor

Don't know if I'm a nice guy, Or everyone's bitch?

Don't know if I'm a nice guy, Or everyone's bitch?  Philosoraptor

If a man and woman, both homosexual and transexual marry is it still considered a straight couple?

If a man and woman, both homosexual and transexual marry is it still considered a straight couple?  Philosoraptor

If you are scared of your own hiccups does that mean you can never get them?

If you are scared of your own hiccups does that mean you can never get them?  Philosoraptor

Se a boca fala o que o coracao esta cheio... ... Os politicos tem o coracao cheio de coisas boas?

Se a boca fala o que o coracao esta cheio... ... Os politicos tem o coracao cheio de coisas boas?  Philosoraptor

If quantum physics states that nothing is certain Doesn't that mean there's a chance there are in fact certainties?

If quantum physics states that nothing is certain Doesn't that mean there's a chance there are in fact certainties?  Philosoraptor

Instead of grieving the loss of Whitney Houston Shouldn't we be celebrating all the crackheads we still have?

Instead of grieving the loss of Whitney Houston Shouldn't we be celebrating all the crackheads we still have?  Philosoraptor

If cupid is trying to make people fall in love Then why is he shooting them with arrows?

If cupid is trying to make people fall in love Then why is he shooting them with arrows?  Philosoraptor

If there were ever another war on American soil Would its veterans not be allowed to join the VFW?

If there were ever another war on American soil Would its veterans not be allowed to join the VFW?  Philosoraptor

Did God create tobacco as a form of population control?

Did God create tobacco as a form of population control?  Philosoraptor
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