
If you actively thwart someone trying to help you Aren't you thwarting yourself?

If you actively thwart someone trying to help you Aren't you thwarting yourself?  Philosoraptor

If pinocchio says "My nose is about to grow" What would happen?

If pinocchio says

If nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition... Then who were their mothers?

If nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition... Then who were their mothers?  Philosoraptor

If Tebow and Lebron had a child How would it perform in the 4th quarter?

If Tebow and Lebron had a child How would it perform in the 4th quarter?  Philosoraptor

Do you think we hate hipsters because... We are hipsters?

Do you think we hate hipsters because... We are hipsters?  Philosoraptor

If dog is mans best friend does that mean man is not mans best friend?

If dog is mans best friend does that mean man is not mans best friend?  Philosoraptor

If women weren't meant to be in the kitchen Why do they develop milk and eggs?

If women weren't meant to be in the kitchen Why do they develop milk and eggs?  Philosoraptor

If I ate myself would i be twice as big, or disappear completely?

If I ate myself would i be twice as big, or disappear completely?  Philosoraptor

What if I have superpowers and just don't know how to use them?

What if I have superpowers and just don't know how to use them?   Philosoraptor

If a Christian makes a conversion to Judaism isn't that actually a reversion?

If a Christian makes a conversion to Judaism isn't that actually a reversion?  Philosoraptor
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