
Genealogy: we descended from genies?

Genealogy: we descended from genies?  Philosoraptor

For a bedroom to become a master bedroom Must it first be an apprentice bedroom?

For a bedroom to become a master bedroom Must it first be an apprentice bedroom?  Philosoraptor

They say "3 out of 5" smokers die Apparently the other 2 become immortal

They say

if you move from usa to england and are in a spelling bee do you spell it 'color' or 'colour'?

if you move from usa to england and are in a spelling bee do you spell it 'color' or 'colour'?  Philosoraptor

If only Sith deal in absolutes, and that statement is an absolute... Is Obi-Wan sith?

If only Sith deal in absolutes, and that statement is an absolute... Is Obi-Wan sith?  Philosoraptor

How many times can I fart in my chair... before it’s been considered shat on?

How many times can I fart in my chair... before it’s been considered shat on?  Philosoraptor

If Jedis have the power of the force Why do they need a button to turn on their lightsaber?

If Jedis have the power of the force Why do they need a button to turn on their lightsaber?  Philosoraptor

why isn't galactose used in the milky way bars?

why isn't galactose used in the milky way bars?  Philosoraptor

if weed cures everything then why is bob marley dead?

if weed cures everything then why is bob marley dead?  Philosoraptor

What if reddit is a game and the more karma you have the better you are

What if reddit is a game and the more karma you have the better you are  Philosoraptor
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