
if McAlpine was two faced would both faces be ugly?

if McAlpine was             two faced would both faces be ugly?  Philosoraptor

Question everything. ...except (accept) that last sentence.

Question everything. ...except (accept) that last sentence.   Philosoraptor

what do you call a group of collective nouns?

what do you call a group of collective nouns?  Philosoraptor

How can something be "new" and "improved"? if it's new, what was it improving on?

How can something be

What if the glass is half air and half a vaccuum?

What if the glass is half air and half a vaccuum?  Philosoraptor

What is the Oklahoma hell? Avant!

What is the Oklahoma hell? Avant!  Philosoraptor

I wonder where i can go for a pint... Weavers?

I wonder where i can go for a pint... Weavers?  Philosoraptor

if an advice cat says fuck bitches get money does it fuck dogs

if an advice cat says fuck bitches get money does it fuck dogs  Philosoraptor

Man who goes to sleep with itchy butt wakes with smelly fingers

Man who goes to sleep with itchy butt wakes with smelly fingers  Philosoraptor

if i can fart with the force of a thousand hurricanes and not shit myself while away from the toilet, but the slightest gust causes me to nearly shit myself when near one is the toilet death incarnate, harvesting the soul remannts of long digested creatu

if i can fart with the force of a thousand hurricanes and not shit myself  while away from the toilet, but the slightest gust causes me to nearly shit myself when near one is the toilet death incarnate, harvesting the soul remannts of long digested creatu  Philosoraptor
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