
Your last meal? Mills burrito

Your last meal? Mills burrito  Philosoraptor

Does George Lucas ruin movies because of Cocaine or FOR cocaine?

Does George Lucas ruin movies because of Cocaine or FOR cocaine?   Philosoraptor

Po sikur nje njeri i shemtuar, te mos ndjehet i shemtuar por te tjeret ta shohin prap si te shemtuar A eshte i shemtuar ai?

Po sikur nje njeri i shemtuar, te mos ndjehet i shemtuar por te tjeret ta shohin prap si te shemtuar A eshte i shemtuar ai?  Philosoraptor

how come those who attempt suicide Aren't charged with attempted murder?

how come those who attempt suicide Aren't charged with attempted murder?  Philosoraptor

If you introduce someone to a new type of music Are you taking their virgenrety?

If you introduce someone to a new type of music Are you taking their virgenrety?  Philosoraptor

If a nascar driver got a Dui could they still race?

If a nascar driver got a Dui could they still race?  Philosoraptor

if we all would downvote everything in r/new would people still keep posting?

if we all would downvote everything in r/new would people still keep posting?  Philosoraptor

IF 3 profs are needed to teach one course Why is 1 student required to know all of it?

IF 3 profs are needed to teach one course Why is 1 student required to know all of it?  Philosoraptor

If sarah jessica parker is a horse Does it mean, sex in the city is Promting beastiality?

If sarah jessica parker is a horse Does it mean, sex in the city is Promting beastiality?  Philosoraptor

if everyone is catching the indian fishermen what are the indian fishermen catching ?

if everyone is catching the indian fishermen what are the indian fishermen catching ?  Philosoraptor
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