
If Lemmy is god, but god doesn't exist does that make Lemmy a paradox?

If Lemmy is god, but god doesn't exist does that make Lemmy a paradox?  Philosoraptor

You need a programming language to program a program How do you program a programming language to program a program to program programs?

You need a programming language to program a program How do you program a programming language to program a program to program programs?  Philosoraptor

If marriage is outlawed does that mean only outlaws will have inlaws?

If marriage is outlawed does that mean only outlaws will have inlaws?  Philosoraptor

If only two humans were put on earth why is incest a sin?

If only two humans were put on earth why is incest a sin?   Philosoraptor

If A Tree Falls In The Forest And Nobody Updates A Facebook Status About It Did It Really Happen?

If A Tree Falls In The Forest And Nobody Updates A Facebook Status About It Did It Really Happen?  Philosoraptor

If everyone hates slavery and dictatorships why every year do we accept gifts from a factory run by a ruthless dictator and his elf slaves?

If everyone hates slavery and dictatorships why every year do we accept gifts from a factory run by a ruthless dictator and his elf slaves?  Philosoraptor

If a person poops after they die is a person not eating going to commit suicide?

If a person poops after they die is a person not eating going to commit suicide?  Philosoraptor

If relatives have a child, its inbred. Does that make the child of two gingers, gingerbred?

If relatives have a child, its inbred. Does that make the child of two gingers, gingerbred?  Philosoraptor

If people with AIDs who have sex with unknowing partners can get charged with murder, Why can Tobacco companies murder millions of people with cancer legally?

If people with AIDs who have sex with unknowing partners can get charged with murder, Why can Tobacco companies murder millions of people with cancer legally?  Philosoraptor

is there a synonym for philosoraptor let me ask thesaurus

is there a synonym for philosoraptor let me ask thesaurus  Philosoraptor
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