Pawn Star

Holy Grail? I'm not sure that there's a market for that.

Holy Grail? I'm not sure that there's a market for that.  Pawn Star

sealed faces of death cd? Looks legit, let me call a buddy of mine whos an expert with faces of death cds.

sealed faces of death cd? Looks legit, let me call a buddy of mine whos an expert with faces of death cds.  Pawn Star

really jesus's skull? the best i can do is $100

really jesus's skull? the best i can do is $100  Pawn Star

I'll take 1000 for it but i cant go any lower than 900

I'll take 1000 for it but i cant go any lower than 900  Pawn Star

An Eighth? I'll give you 20 bucks.

An Eighth? I'll give you 20 bucks.  Pawn Star

You posted a repost Let me call my friend who is an expert on reposts

You posted a repost Let me call my friend who is an expert on reposts  Pawn Star

I see that the garage has carriage doors but it is too fucking big for that lot. OK?

I see that the garage has carriage doors but it is too fucking big for that lot. OK?  Pawn Star

Is that US Constitution? I've got a b buddy of mine expert in constitutions

Is that US Constitution? I've got a b buddy of mine expert in constitutions  Pawn Star

That's at auction, they take 90% commission at auctions. Really? As far as you know...

That's at auction, they take 90% commission at auctions. Really? As far as you know...  Pawn Star

Steady state? Highest I can go is like plus 7

Steady state? Highest I can go is like plus 7  Pawn Star
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