Paranoid Parrot

copies a link to send to friend pastes it into browser first just to make sure it works

copies a link to send to friend pastes it into browser first just to make sure it works  Paranoid Parrot

dealer about to get here keep counting money to make sure it's the right amount

dealer about to get here keep counting money to make sure it's the right amount  Paranoid Parrot

pulled over by police they know I smoked pot once in 2002

pulled over by police they know I smoked pot once in 2002  Paranoid Parrot

calls in sick to work when actually sick still tries to sound sick

calls in sick to work when actually sick still tries to sound sick  Paranoid Parrot

Cat is sleeping Check to see if he's still breathing

Cat is sleeping Check to see if he's still breathing  Paranoid Parrot

final exam tomorrow morning set 6 alarms

final exam tomorrow morning set 6 alarms  Paranoid Parrot

team, group up at bot lane i need to check this bush

team, group up at bot lane i need to check this bush  Paranoid Parrot

Jungling against Lee Sin Better start with 5 wards

Jungling against Lee Sin Better start with 5 wards   Paranoid Parrot

Only human in the world Build complex traps and defense systems.

Only human in the world Build complex traps and defense systems.  Paranoid Parrot

Can't find your car in the parking lot after a few minutes Assume it's stolen

Can't find your car in the parking lot after a few minutes Assume it's stolen  Paranoid Parrot
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