Paranoid Parrot

Extra screws after assembling chair it's not safe

Extra screws after assembling chair it's not safe  Paranoid Parrot

Girlfriend missed a phone call shes having sex

Girlfriend missed a phone call shes having sex  Paranoid Parrot

Miss class today to see doctor everyone thinks i'm an alcoholic

Miss class today to see doctor everyone thinks i'm an alcoholic  Paranoid Parrot

See a new guy at work OH GOD THEY're replacing me!

See a new guy at work OH GOD THEY're replacing me!  Paranoid Parrot

Talk shit about someone you know Check phone to make sure you didn't pocket dial first

Talk shit about someone you know Check phone to make sure you didn't pocket dial first  Paranoid Parrot

Add comment to code Recompile and test to make sure it didn't break anything.

Add comment to code Recompile and test to make sure it didn't break anything.  Paranoid Parrot

new queue full of downvoting roman memes better post later

new queue full of downvoting roman memes better post later  Paranoid Parrot

wife didn't text me back right away shes in a diabetic coma

wife didn't text me back right away shes in a diabetic coma  Paranoid Parrot

Quick Think of 30 ways to defend myself so in case of attack

Quick Think of 30 ways to defend myself so in case of attack   Paranoid Parrot

Guy hits on you when wearing slacks and no make-up There is something wrong with him

Guy hits on you when wearing slacks and no make-up There is something wrong with him  Paranoid Parrot
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