Paranoid Parrot

black guy and white guy walk into the store at the same time greet black customer first so he doesnt think im racist

black guy and white guy walk into the store at the same time greet black customer first so he doesnt think im racist  Paranoid Parrot

Airplane make strange noise flying over my house i'm about to be donnie darkoed

Airplane make strange noise flying over my house i'm about to be donnie darkoed  Paranoid Parrot

first aid kit [empty] we'll see about that

first aid kit
 [empty] we'll see about that  Paranoid Parrot

Sees headlights in rearview mirror must be a cop

Sees headlights in rearview mirror must be a cop  Paranoid Parrot

In the movie 2012 the first place to flood was nyc its happening

In the movie 2012 the first place to flood was nyc its happening  Paranoid Parrot

Stalk cute girls facebook. Next day profile is set to private. I've been caught

Stalk cute girls facebook. Next day profile is set to private. I've been caught  Paranoid Parrot

forgot where car was parked stolen

forgot where car was parked stolen  Paranoid Parrot

guy driving in front of me is making all the same turns must be forward-stalking me

guy driving in front of me is making all the same turns must be forward-stalking me  Paranoid Parrot

Crossing one way street looks both ways

Crossing one way street looks both ways  Paranoid Parrot

manager talking to my supervisor I'm fired

manager talking to my supervisor I'm fired  Paranoid Parrot
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