Paranoid Parrot

gets criticized on reddit DELETES POST

gets criticized on reddit DELETES POST  Paranoid Parrot

Has gotten lsat score oh god must have fill in something wrong in form

Has gotten lsat score oh god must have fill in something wrong in form  Paranoid Parrot

post something constantly refresh to see how much karma you've gotten

post something constantly refresh to see how much karma you've gotten  Paranoid Parrot

Bro she liked my Facebook status kusmeh she on it even though i am parrot

Bro she liked my Facebook status kusmeh she on it even though i am parrot  Paranoid Parrot

Workout harder and faster when someone looks over at me they can smell my weakness

Workout harder and faster when someone looks over at me they can smell my weakness  Paranoid Parrot

Singing loudly in the car constantly check phone to make sure i didn't accidentally call someone

Singing loudly in the car constantly check phone to make sure i didn't accidentally call someone  Paranoid Parrot

driving on a bridge i'm too young to die

driving on a bridge i'm too young to die  Paranoid Parrot

Sees parking enforcement while driving Better slow down

Sees parking enforcement while driving Better slow down  Paranoid Parrot

is home alone with his friend calls his mom to come home

is home alone with his friend calls his mom to come home  Paranoid Parrot

Sees Armored Truck on the road immediately thinks "drive casual, so they dont think I am a part of a heist"

Sees Armored Truck on the road immediately thinks
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