Paranoid Parrot

Crossing a one way look both ways

Crossing a one way look both ways  Paranoid Parrot

Just No

Just No  Paranoid Parrot

get in the car GET IN THE CAR!!

get in the car GET IN THE CAR!!  Paranoid Parrot

Noise Outside Gonna Die

Noise Outside Gonna Die  Paranoid Parrot

capture temeraire get beamraped by it at the final mission

capture temeraire get beamraped by it at the final mission  Paranoid Parrot

Find ants in bed room bed is crawling with them

Find ants in bed room bed is crawling with them  Paranoid Parrot

take shit at house party lock the door and climb out window

take shit at house party lock the door and climb out window  Paranoid Parrot

Two missed calls from mom during class Grandma must have died

Two missed calls from mom during class Grandma must have died  Paranoid Parrot

Bin Ladin Finally Dead? Better be prepared for retaliation attacks!

Bin Ladin Finally Dead? Better be prepared for retaliation attacks!  Paranoid Parrot

wear backpack on the front

wear backpack on the front  Paranoid Parrot
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